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#3 - Data Driven Design

April 30th, 2017 - Day #7

Setup the basic process and rendered a view (not to a phone yet, but that will come). The next problem to deal with is the problem of partial views and subviews. All it does is takes some JSON, applies the properties and renders it to HTML. Simple process to a simple problem. Of course there's more to it than that.

"The Process"

It is apparently a trivial problem, but you can really shoot yourself in the foot with it. The reason why I say this is, I need a clear separation of design and logic. Even a 99% separation is not good enough, because I'm creating a 100% data driven application. Data driven is of course arguable, but the entire point is to mass produce some solution to a certain type of problem.

Laying the Foundation
So, basically I would like to achieve what's here because I want a complete separation with the model and view. But not just because I like that or want that, but because I have a clear business need (the need to mass produce some certain type of application) because I expect to fail hard and fast, over and over again.

Another not-so-obvious problem is I need to separate the actual data into partials. Right now, all I've got is one JSON file that represents the whole application. I need to create partitions in the data, which isn't standard. Something like this.

   "data1": "value1",
   "data2": "value2",
   "data3": // somehow in another file (???)

So the next few days will be solving this problem and implementing the solution to partial views, probably with Mustache.js or some logic-less template engine.

~ B


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